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Home » A Guide to the Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment Period
October 1, 2023
Jonathon Beecham

A Guide to the Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment Period

Every year, open enrollment provides millions of Americans with the opportunity to sign up for individual and family health insurance plans compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This period typically runs from Nov. 1 through Jan. 15 and can also be used to make changes to existing coverage. In most cases, open enrollment is the only part of the calendar during which you can purchase or adjust coverage, making it necessary to be prepared and informed as this period approaches.

When Is Open Enrollment?

For 2024, most states will continue to adhere to the typical Nov. 1 through Jan. 15 open enrollment schedule, although some states may have slightly different timelines. For example, in the past, California residents have been able to renew their coverage starting Oct. 1 while in New York past open enrollment periods have been delayed until Nov. 16.

If you want to ensure your coverage is active starting Jan. 1, you should typically plan to enroll by Dec. 15, although there may be exceptions to this rule in some states. Enrollments made after Dec. 15 typically mean coverage is not in effect until the following February.

If you plan to acquire or retain health insurance through your employer, you should be aware that the enrollment process may vary. For example, while most employers generally follow the aforementioned timeline, some may require enrollment during an abbreviated period.

What Are Some Open Enrollment Tips?

As you approach this year’s open enrollment period, consider the following tips:

If you have or plan to have health insurance through your employer, take advantage of any informational meetings or educational opportunities that may help you better understand the options available to you. Be sure to verify your enrollment period.

Utilize plan selection and comparison tools to analyze your health insurance claims from last year and consider any adjustments that might have saved you money.

Thoroughly assess your health and that of your family members to ensure your selections are suitable for your circumstances. For example, if you anticipate using health care services frequently throughout the coming year, plans with higher premiums and lower copays and deductibles may be optimal.

Verify that your doctor, hospital and other medical services you prefer would remain in your network should you make any changes.

Make use of tax-free benefits, such as health savings accounts, flexible spending accounts and dependent care spending accounts. These tools can provide tax advantages while helping pay for health care costs not covered by your insurance.

Participate in wellness and disease management programs to improve your well-being and potentially access discounted health insurance premiums.

Get the Right Coverage

Health insurance and open enrollment can be complicated subjects, but working with a qualified insurance professional, such as those at Insurance Solutions USA, can help ensure you and your loved ones have optimal coverage. Visit our website or call 817-756-1442 to get started today.

This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.

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